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BMENET User Identifier

Students' name@hszk.bme.hu format BMENET IDs won't work beyond 2021. Studens should use eduID instead.

The BMENET user ID and the corresponding password can be used for the following services:

Users of zero.eik.bme.hu have BMENET IDs. The BMENET identifier is name@eik.bme.hu, the corresponding password is the user's current login password on zero. (More precisely the BMENET ID password is updated every 10 minutes from the zero login password.)

Register for a new BMENET user ID

Lecturers and staff may request an account to zero.eik.bme.hu to get a BMENET user ID. However, it is recommended to use eduID instead.


Last modified: 2022-02-15 23:28 CET